Ceolinn was the brainchild of Marita Clerkin in 2019 after attending an adult class taught by Noreen Boyle in Cootehill. She asked the question “Why can’t we do this in our own county of Monaghan?”.
Six years later, with 80 plus members, Ceolinn has become the role model for people who wish to either, return to playing music after many lapsed years, or those of middle years who have a yearning to learn an instrument. Noreen, the musical director, hosts weekly classes in Monaghan and Cavan.
Ceolinn has performed in The Garage Theatre, at Féile Oriel, and recently at the All-Ireland finals of SCOR.
Ceolinn has offered the great opportunity to come (back) to music, within a group setting, not having any pressure to excel, but most importantly to enjoy learning and playing in a collective environment.
Thanks to Niall and Catriona McClean for their ongoing support and use of their facility every week. This year, they welcomed Stephenie Jebb onboard as a singing tutor with 25 singers now attending.
Ceolinn continues to perform and entertain at numerous events with a sheer enjoyment for what they do. Make sure you catch them at Féile Oriel!